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How We Get Paid

Remuneration to SproutPlans (as at November 2024)


As part of the service we provide to our clients, the Central Bank requires that we do a fair market analysis when arriving at specific product recommendations to our clients.  


SproutPlans prides itself on having no bias with regards to particular providers or products.  For the majority of our recommended investment/ savings and pension products we receive 0.25% annual remuneration from life companies.  We believe that this is very competitive versus market and is fair to our clients.  For this remuneration we actively oversee and monitor all our client portfolios with the view to continually assessing if they remain in the clients’ best interests.  We also endeavour, where commercially viable to have 100% of client monies invested no matter the provider. We believe that this approach, in addition to running a full market analysis of funds on an annual basis, supports our research behind each individual recommendation we make.


When recommending a specific product we consider all options available to the advisor.


In keeping the clients’ best interests as our primary focus we can stand over the recommendations we give whilst also maintaining a very long-term trusted and transparent relationship with our clients.


Advisory Fees

You may also wish to seek general advice independent of products provided by any of our partners and we can do this on a fee basis as set out below.


Advice Only 

  • Life Cover Advice only – €500 & VAT

  • Investment Advice only – €750 & VAT

  • Pension Advice only – €750 & VAT

  • Full Financial Plan – €1,000 & VAT



Please note fees may vary from time to time, the fees set out are to give an indication of the cost of set-up. Full disclosure will be given to each client before we set up any financial product or provide any advice. A full re-fund will also be given within 14 days if you’re not happy with our services.



Commission Structures


We, MyRoboFP Limited/ T/A SproutPlans act as intermediary between you, the consumer, and the product provider with whom we place your business.


Pursuant to provision 458A of the Central Bank of Ireland’s September 2019 Addendum to the Consumer Protection Code, all intermediaries, must make available in their public offices, or on their website if they have one, a summary of the details of all arrangements for any fee, commission, other reward, or remuneration provided to the intermediary which it has agreed with its product producers.



We are usually remunerated by commission from the Product Producers and Insurers with whom we facilitate Investment and Insurance Based Investment transactions on your behalf.


This commission payment will not influence our decision to recommend a particular product.  We consider how the Product Producers and Insurers have integrated sustainability risks into their investment product offerings prior to making a recommendation to our clients.


What is commission?

For the purpose of this document, commission is the payment earned by the intermediary for work undertaken on behalf of both the provider and the consumer. The amount of commission is generally related to the value of the products sold.


There are different types of commission models:

  • Single commission model: where payment is made to the intermediary shortly after the sale is completed and is based on a percentage of the premium paid/amount invested/amount borrowed.

  • Trail/Renewal commission model: Further payments at intervals are paid throughout the life span of the product.

  • Indemnity commission
    Indemnity commission is the term used to describe a commission payment made before the commission is deemed to be ‘earned’. Indemnity commission may be subject to a clawback (see below) if the consumer lapses or cancels the product before the commission is deemed to be earned.


Other forms of indemnity commission are advances of commission for future sales granted to intermediaries to assist with set up costs or business development.


Life Assurance/Investments/Pension products

For Life Assurance products commission is divided into initial commission and renewal commission (related to premium), fund based or trail (relating to accumulated fund).


Trail commission, bullet commission, fund based, flat commission or renewal commission are all terms used for ongoing payments. Where an investment fund is being built up through an insurance-based investment product or a pension product, the increments may be based on a percentage of the value of the fund or the annual premium. For a single premium/lump sum product, the increment is generally based on the value of the fund.


Life Assurance products fall into either individual or group protection policies and Investment/Pension products would be either single or regular contribution policies. Examples of products include Life Protection, Regular Premium Life Assurance Investments, Single Premium (lump sum) Insurance-based Investments, and Single Premium Pensions.



Clawback is an obligation on the intermediary to repay unearned commission. Commission can be paid directly after a contract is concluded but is not deemed to be ‘earned’ until after a specified period. If the consumer cancels or withdraws from the financial product within the specified time, the intermediary must return commission to the product producer.


Please Note

The below commission tables provide indicative values across every product provider and every product advised whereby a commission is received within our business. These details reflect the the maximum our Brokerage can take and is subject to change, in most cases our Brokerage will take lower commission than the percentages/amounts shown below.  All commissions will be fully disclosed to each client on an individual basis, in relation to each specific product recommended, as per the Central Bank Consumer Protection Code regulations.  In each instance you will be notified of the specific commissions paid to SproutPlans for your policies.


Further detail on the providers we work with, the products we sell and the maximum commissions available to us are outlined below. Commission rates do not play a part in out advice to you and although the below illustrates the maximum commissions we will endeavour, where reasonable to invest 100% of your funds for your benefit at the outset.  The on-going management cost that we apply to our clients pensions, investments and savings is up to 0.50% of the value of the pension on a per annum basis.  The annual management charge for the Insurance Companies vary.


Maximum Commission Rates


©SproutPlans 2023


MyRoboFP Limited T/A SproutPlans is registered in Ireland under company number 670097 and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland under registration number C451342.

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