I've been thinking a lot about how to provide both best advice and charge a fair fee for this service so that:
Our investors know that they are getting best advice for fair value, and
We are receiving fair remuneration for great advice.
I got to thinking about a plumber providing a new boiler. You can cut costs by buying a cheaper boiler or paying for a less experienced service - both of which have an increased chance of being unreliable and leaving you worse off in the long run. However there are no guarantees that by paying more you will get a better service or goods.
A trusted diligent plumber is who you want to do the job!

They provide honest advice as to which boiler is the best out there to fit your specific needs and budget and will stand by their work for the long term.
In getting financial advice you should take the same approach and above all else work with someone who has your interests front and center.

In designing investment and pension portfolios for our clients we have no preconceived biases as to what product we choose. Starting with a blank page our approach is:
Understanding your needs and goals.
Developing bespoke complete financial plans (with no charge currently) as we believe that no product should be recommended without first analyzing all the options in detail.
In conjunction with the client finding best value solutions which are most likely to achieve the goals as identified at 1 & 2.
We are very clear with how and how much we get paid by our regulated partners and enjoy discussing in detail how the fees are made up and the impact on you.
In designing investment and pension portfolios fees and returns (in line with your investment preferences - including your sustainability preferences) play a key role above all else.
Below we illustrate the impact that this research has on a pension investment of say €100,000 with 20 years to go to retirement.

Here in this example our research would indicate a potential 50% uplift in end value to client!!!
So it is very important that any financial advisor takes the time to analyze what approach is most likely to help you to achieve your goals.
AND REVIEW THESE AT LEAST ANNUALLY FOR YOU - a boiler needs an annual service, so too do your financial affairs!
Warning: These figures are estimates only. They are not a reliable guide to the future performance of your investment.
Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invest.
Warning: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance.
Warning: The income you get from this investment may go down as well as up.
Warning: This investment portfolio may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates.